

The Thursday Llarder returns to the Plaça Major in Vic.

Thursday Llarder returns to the Plaça Major in Vic, organized by the Osona Cuina cooks collective, with an expanded gastronomic offer and a competition to choose the Best Osona Tortilla as the main novelty.

This edition wants to recover its traditional daytime format, in which sandwiches will be served from 9 in the morning until around 4 in the afternoon. In addition, on Wednesday evening it will be possible to attend the traditional hanging of the pigs for another year, when the pieces are prepared that will be roasted over a slow fire throughout the night in the middle of the Plaça Major. For this reason, it will not be until 12 noon on Thursday that the long-awaited Ral d'Avinyó roast pork sandwiches with sweet and sour sauce and Osona bread will be served. In addition to the usual sandwiches - sausage, black sausage, bacon - this year there are also two gastronomic proposals: the cannelloni sandwich and roast pork rice with calçots. The cannelloni sandwich will be prepared by the Osona Hospitality School with products from Osona Terra and La Selecta, collaborators in this popular festival.

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