

Carnival presentation at the Cirvianum theater.

The first act of the Carnival of Terra Endins is the presentation which, unlike the first years, due to the massification of the act takes place in the Cirvianum theatre. In this case, it is necessary for the followers of the aspirant King Carnestoltes - who embodies him every year not known until this day - to get hold of the Falatell and verify that the person they have been hiding carries none of the Carnival and he can be king, throw out the local authorities and, curiously enough, proclaim himself king of a Republic, that of La Barrila. In this way, it imposes raucousness and debauchery and allows the extensive program of events to take place, since the council has been dissolved.

It is in this show presentation, in this edition scheduled for January 20, at 8.30pm at the Cirvianum Theatre, when all the details of the party, the program and the posters for each of the events are announced.

The capacity of the presentation is limited (the capacity of the theater is 500 places), the tickets are free and can be obtained at the box office of the theater which will be open from 7 pm. Afterwards, there will be a snack and we will pass the hat to see if we can make some money to pay for the vices of the screenwriters!

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